In this edition of Seeding Knowledge, Jeff Neff, Senior Applications Technician at Argus Controls, discusses irrigation techniques and automation.

Jeff addresses the advantages of automating this process, how to decide which system to choose, as well as implementation considerations for horticulture - including greenhouse control systems and indoor control systems.

Irrigation is a necessary process for plant growth. Although it can be done manually, automating this process can bring several benefits to growers. As with all types of automation, there are options to choose from, especially while using controlled environmental systems.

Photo of CannaPacific cannabis greenhouse. Fertigation is one process that is noticeably less time consuming and labor intensive since the company installed an automated system.

A fully computerized control system for horticulture incorporates all features of the simpler systems and adds support for a much wider range of input sensors, crop water use models, and most importantly, efficient irrigation system capacity management.

Another approach, before considering a fully computerized controls system, consists of relying on sensors alone. This may not be the best method as they can, on occasion, fail. However, if they are combined with a modeling system, the result is optimal.

The size of the operation and the level of control required will influence how much automation is needed.

Another reason to use an automated system is the ability to include fertigation automation, which a simple solution normally cannot offer. One of the benefits of using an automated system is that it saves on labour costs by eliminating the need for employees to constantly monitor and water plants. In addition to labour costs, hand watering could also affect the quality of the product. Using an automated system improves how production is controlled. On the other hand, there are certain applications where automated irrigation is not beneficial, such as in conservatories where there are a variety of plants, each with their own needs.

Automating irrigation in a horticultural facility is not an easy task. There are a number of factors to consider when planning and designing your irrigation or fertigation solution. Argus Controls has developed its own nutrient injection system that can provide anything from a single-tank formulation to many separate fertilizer recipes and feed strengths on the same irrigation system. This is all handled seamlessly by the Argus fertigation management software.

Continuous improvement and development of solutions for the horticultural industry are key and the future of irrigation controls promises more intricate, smarter systems with more sensitive sensors.

CannaPacific cannabis greenhouse.